BBOT Annual Golf Tournament
Monday July 29, 2024
Registration noon
1:30pm Shot Gun Start
Dinner – 6pm
Cedarhurst Golf Club
Conc. Rd. 4 (B825)
Beaverton, Ontario
We are very excited that the Brock Board of Trade golf tournament will be going ahead this July. The golf tournament is BBOT’s major fundraiser for the year, it allows us to serve our members and the business community at large in a bigger way. As we continue to grow, we will keep adding more value-added training and workshops and continue to help improve the business community in Brock in many different capacities.
There are LOTS of options for you to participate and to get your business SEEN, HEARD and CONNECTED at this really fun, informal event:
Come out and play! 18 holes with a golf cart make for a really fun, relaxing afternoon
Sponsor a hole! We will create a custom sign for you on one of the holes on the course to get your business seen.
Join us for dinner! The Albatross at Cedarhurst serves an amazing dinner for everyone registered. If you don’t play golf, you can register just for dinner – great way to meet BBOT members and network!
Provide a prize! We like to keep the day light and fun and reward those hard playing (and the not so hard playing) golfers. Donating a prize is a great way to showcase your business and product to everyone in attendance.
Donate some swag! Each player will receive a welcome bag upon arrival. Another great way to promote your business – provide some swag in the welcome bags.
For questions and more information please email brockboardoftrade@gmail.com
*Terms and Conditions:
Hole In One:
Amateur Golfers Only
First Hole in One Wins
Title Sponsor

Hole in One and Registration Sponsors

Hole Sponsors