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Unlocking Excellence: The Art of Smart Hiring For Leaders

In Jim Collin’s timeless classic, “Good to Great”, he emphasized the critical importance of “getting the right people on the bus, and in the right seats”. There’s no factor more influential in organizational success than the individuals you bring on board. With the right people in place, challenges of motivating and driving them to achieve excellent results become less daunting. Without training and a reliable process, stats show that we make poor selection choices 4 out of 5 times!

Selecting individuals who will thrive is not an innate skill. In our engaging 2-hr interactive virtual workshop, you’ll learn a structured process and techniques to help you pinpoint ideal candidates for your job openings, company culture and team dynamics. Specifically you’ll learn to:

  • Leverage technology
  • Streamline hiring with efficient phone screens
  • Avoid pitfalls of “Gut Feel”
  • Identify key qualities
  • Master the Art of Asking the Right Questions and probing for Truth

Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to put these insights into PRACTICE, ensuring you’re well-prepared to make successful hiring decisions that drive your organization’s growth and success.

Register here

Presenter: Cheryl Crumb, Cheryl Crumb & Associates

Cheryl has trained in 16 countries on 4 continents, supporting leaders and associates as they “take off their afraid and put on their coat of courage”. As one CEO said, “Don’t think about what it costs you to work with Cheryl…Think about what it will cost you NOT to!”


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