Small Business Week
Celebrating Small Businesses in Ontario | 705-426-2051 | 705-426-2051
Getting Your Business SEEN, HEARD and
CONNECTED in Brock Township
Welcome to the Brock Board of Trade Events.
Celebrating Small Businesses in Ontario
A bi-annual event held by the Mayor and members of [...]
Our monthly meeting of the Brock Board of Trade Council [...]
Our month meeting of the Brock Board of Trade Council [...]
An evening of networking, food, speakers and our Annual General [...]
Our monthly Brock Board of Trade Council of Director's meeting. [...]
Join us for our monthly networking meeting. Eat, share your [...]
Mayor's Networking Business Breakfast The 2018 Spring Mayor’s Networking Business [...]
Join us for an amazing opportunity to update or get [...]
Our monthly Brock Board of Trade Council of Director's meeting. [...]
Doug Griffiths is coming to Uxbridge on Wednesday, May 23, [...]
Our monthly Council of Director's meeting.
Click here to submit your own event to the calendar, with an image. Your event will be sent to our administrator to approve before being added to the Calendar.