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Tourism is one of the most promising tools for rural development across Ontario; it can reduce reliance on traditional industries and help to diversify and grow the economy. There’s little doubt that the Township of Brock has all the right ingredients needed to grow tourism and attract visitors, we just need a little help combining the ingredients!

In spring of 2017, the Brock Economic Development Advisory Committee (BEDAC) teamed up with the Region of Durham Economic Development and Tourism Division, the Brock Board of Trade and the Durham Workforce Authority to launch a Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) project focused on tourism. A BR+E project follows a model developed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and uses  a community based approach to economic development through which local businesses and organizations are surveyed to help identify opportunities for growth.

Following interviews with over 40 different businesses and organizations, data was analyzed, and recommendations were developed by a leadership team consisting of the project partners. On June 25, the final report and recommendations were presented to the Township of Brock Planning Committee. The report highlights both priority and supporting recommendations:

Priority recommendations are identified as the most important for the community to pursue. Priority recommendations for the Brock Tourism BR+E include:

  • Allocate dedicated Township resources (staff and financial) to support tourism and economic development;
  • Establish a working relationship with Durham Tourism and Central Counties Tourism resulting in funding, resources and a Community Tourism Plan to develop the tourism industry in Brock Township;
  • Ensure a positive tourism experience by enhancing existing public washroom and public parking assets making them available and accessible on days, evenings and weekends;
  • Market the Township of Brock as a destination for visitors through targeted campaigns and signage, leverage existing assets (Lake Simcoe, parks and trails) in promotional and marketing strategies.

Supporting recommendations are designed to assist with accomplishing the priority recommendations; some are quick-wins while others are standalone items. Supporting recommendations for the Brock Tourism BR+E include:

  • Identify partner organization(s) who can pursue funds for a barrier free, fully accessible outdoor washroom trailer;
  • Host a “Tourism Now” workshop with Central Counties Tourism and Durham Tourism;
  • Produce a “Backroads of Brock” self-guided tour package to showcase the hidden gems of Brock Township while focusing on arts and culture locations;
  • Compile an inventory of existing tourism assets in the Township, including images wherever possible;
  • Develop and implement a Tourism Ambassador Program throughout Brock Township.

Responding to the priority and supporting recommendations requires a community wide approach and input from local business owners, community organizations and government representatives. We look forward to opportunities for continued collaboration with the Brock Board of Trade and its members as we continue towards implementing the recommendations.

As a next step, a two-part workshop will be held on September 20, 2018 at the Beaverton Thorah Arena. Part 1 will include a presentation of the findings from the Tourism BR+E while Part 2 will include an information session with Central Counties Tourism and Durham Tourism outlining how to become tourism ready and access the many financial and marketing opportunities available. The workshop will run from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. with dinner provided. For more information on the workshop or the Tourism BR+E project, please contact:

Stacey Jibb, Rural Program Coordinator, Regional Municipality of Durham

Tel: 289-404-1765

Email: Stacey.Jibb@durham.ca

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Brock Board of Trade
397 Simcoe Street, Box 29
Beaverton, ON   L0K 1A0
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