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The Brock location of Community Care Durham is recruiting a special group of volunteers to support a special group of clients.  The COPE Mental Health Program in Brock is urgently calling out for volunteers to assist in facilitating its support groups.  COPE currently offers two mental health support groups in Brock, and would like to expand the program.

Do you have a passion for mental health? Are you a good listener?  If you are a compassionate, patient and outgoing person who gets along well with others, this is a great opportunity for you!  Volunteers work together to provide a safe, supportive environment where clients can have open discussion, and receive emotional support and coping skills to help them through everyday living.   COPE provides comprehensive “Mental Health Fundamentals and Group Facilitation” training. The focus of the training is to provide new volunteers with the skills and knowledge necessary to become exceptional facilitators.  The North Durham training dates will be determined after discussion with interested volunteers. We ask that volunteers dedicate one-year to volunteering after training.

The COPE Program is a free service supporting those 16 and older who have emotional and/or mental health concerns.  With the support of volunteers, COPE clients are able to learn, develop, and maintain skills while improving ways to cope and manage.  Help COPE continue their mission of providing much needed mental and emotional health support.  As COPE Manager, Kathleen Wells, explains, “As a program in a non-profit organization, COPE relies on the good will of volunteers to keep our mental health programs running in the community.  Thankfully, the stigma around mental illness is slowly dissipating, but that means the need for mental health supports and volunteers is rising.”  This “people helping people” concept is most rewarding and life-changing for everyone involved.  Kathleen adds, “Nothing compares to the feeling of being a volunteer at a time when the need is so real.  Our volunteers provide a truly invaluable service to our client.” Please reach out and help us help your community!

For more information about this exciting volunteer opportunity, please contact:

Kathleen Wells, COPE Manager:

905-985-6216, kwells@communitycaredurham.on.ca

Marcy Marchuk, Volunteer Coordinator:

905-623-2261, ext. 221, mmarchuk@communitycaredurham.on.ca

or visit our website at www.communitycaredurham.on.ca to complete the volunteer form.


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Brock Board of Trade
397 Simcoe Street, Box 29
Beaverton, ON   L0K 1A0
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